All activities and events at red herring press are free.
Anyone who wants to support red herring press, its activities and publishing, can become a member. Membership is on a sliding scale, from £2/month to £10/month (it is up to each person to decide themselves how much they will pay).
In exchange, members get sent a free copy of each future red herring press publication, as well as past publications too.
Membership costs go towards paying publication printing costs, building rent, activity materials (eg. Homework Club), public liability insurance, website costs.
You are free to pause or end your membership at any time.
Click here to pay membership monthly via PayPal
or pay membership monthly via debit card:
£2/month | £3/month | £5/month | £8/month | £10/month
Or you can come by the space to join as a member in person.
You do not have to attend activities to be a member: if you want to support red herring press from afar you can still enrol as a member (and keep up to date with activities via the newsletter and publications).
Or if you want to make a one-off donation, you can do here:
Founded on anarchist principles, red herring press opened a Centre for Writing in 2023, with the intention of expanding what a publishing press can do; and how local writing, reading and publishing can be more meaningfully part of the wider social, economic and political conditions in which they occur.
For more on the intentions and thoughts behind the space, a text originally published in 2020 as part of the << no relevance >> poetry reading series is available to read online here.